During the summer of 2022 I visited the summer cottage from 8-30 July. Some remarkable observations were:
- Butterflies:
- In contrast to the year 2021 with its exceptual high numbers of Suruvaippa (Nymphalis antiopa; 105 observations!), I did not observe any suruvaippa in July (0 observations).
Kirjoverkkoperhonen (Euphydryas maturna) was present this summer. Previously, I have only seen the species in 2004, 2007, and 2015. - This year, I started catching and identifying moths. Hopefully I will find some time to publish the results on my website this winter.
- In contrast to the year 2021 with its exceptual high numbers of Suruvaippa (Nymphalis antiopa; 105 observations!), I did not observe any suruvaippa in July (0 observations).
- Dragonflies:
- First sightings of the dragonfly species Kirjoverkkoperhonen (Libellula depressa; an adult male and female).
- To collect exuviae, I visited 9 ‘new’ lakes and rivers of which some were located close to Hirvilahti. In Koirakoski I observed for the first time Immenkorento (Calopteryx splendens; adult male).
- This summer, I collected 260 exuviae in 14 different lakes. The total number of collected and identified exuviae since 2016 is 1599, representing 18 species.