Overview of water quality measured in surface waters all over The Netherlands. Data are provided on electric conductivity (EC, ppm and µS), pH and temperature (T, degrees Celsius). Overzicht van de waterkwaliteit van het oppervlakte water in Nederland. Gemeten data: geleidbaarheid (EC, ppm and µS), pH en temperatuur (T, graden Celsius).
legend: The icons numbers are based on EC (ppm) classes, with 0: EC<100, 1: EC between 100-199, 2: EC between 200-299, etc. NA= no data available. Total number of observations: 923.
My device gives EC readings in ppm. I used calibration curves to also give the values in µS. One curve for 0-200 ppm and another for >200 ppm.
legend: The icons numbers are based on 0.5 unit pH classes. NA= no data available. Total number of observations: 923.